Yorkland Controls
What We Do
For more than 50 years, Yorkland Controls has been a major supplier for all HVAC and controls replacement parts including pneumatic controls and sensors, electronic valves, actuators, VFD’s and field devices. Over the last 15 years Yorkland has leading the introduction of Smart Connected Building Technologies and developing dealer level Building Automation Systems Integrators to include Facility Analytics, IOT Connectivity for People Counting and IAQ sensor technology, Lighting, Security and Asset Tracking, integrated to one platform.
As we return to fully occupied facilities, cleaning and safe-distance practices go hand in hand with education for occupants and opportunities to reduce the risk of infection transmission through enhanced building systems and operations.
Yorkland Controls supports our infrastructure of Controls Contractors and Integrators who service vertical markets such as schools and commercial buildings and can assist with your re-opening plan to ensure that your spaces are healthy spaces.
Product Categories (2)
Building Automation Controls & Systems, HVAC & Mechanical Systems
2693 Steeles Ave W
Toronto, ON M3J 2Z8


Kaiterra Sensedge - a mini commercial air quality monitor
Irisys Vector 4D - the most advanced people counter in the world
Eagle X Pro -Bipolar ionization technology
SkySpark - building automation and fault detection software
Nowa 360 - water leak detection sensor